Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thanks for messing up my morning commute, asshole

Asshole commits suicide by jumping in front of a train.

This happened yesterday morning, right next to a road that I need to take to get to work. Needless to say by the time I came along at 9:35 the road was blocked tighter than a Republican senators, err, you know.

If you're depressed and shit, go to the fuckin' doctor already. Don't mess up everybody else's day by jumping in front of a train right next to a busy freeway. And if you do decide you're going to jump in front of a train, at least have the common decency to drive out to the Alviso Marina and walk out a half mile or so into the Bay before jumping onto the tracks. Sheesh. Common courtesy. It just ain't so common anymore, hmm?

-- Badtux the Inconsiderate Penguin


  1. You wanted to get to work? I have no such work ethic.

  2. There is a leading theory behind suicides that they are an act of supreme narcissism. So, the dude probably didn't give a shit about you, or anyone else.

  3. Hilarious. You're an asshole in the Dennis Leary sense of the word. Love it! Found your blog from Sack of Monkeys in my Pocket. What a riot! You write stuff that I'm afraid to.


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