Friday, July 11, 2008

Emmylou Harris - Pancho and Lefty


You was wrong, Gordon. This ain't a great song sung by a great singer. This is a great song written by a great songwriter sung by a great singer. So there!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
And Gordon knows what I'm talkin' about, you betcha :-).


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  3. You betcha!! I guess i could have added TVZ and still got it on one piece of paper, but I din't.

  4. damn you tux.

    now i'm missing townes again. . .

    he was a great songwriter. he was a lousy friend most of the time, but his greatness as a songwriter made a lot of us forgive him over and over.

    emmylou is just sublime. there are not enough superlatives in the language for her. as a singer, as a harmony singer, and as a beautiful human being.

  5. I didn't say 'great singer' either, Bt. I said 'the best singer of our time' and I'm stickin' to it.

  6. Well now, I suppose that depends on what you mean by "our time". And by "greatest singer". If you mean the era 1975-current and country music, you're probably correct. But there's a lot of good female singers out there nowdays, folks like Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, ... granted, their best stuff is torchy pop. But that's just going back to an older tradition other than the one that Emmylou made her own. Patsy Cline knew torch, even if she preferred country...

  7. patsy cline and emmy lou harris both in the same thread. i have died and gone to heaven.


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