Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bigamist for President?

John McCain got a marriage license to marry his mistress before he bothered divorcing his first wife.

I wonder if he'd even told his first wife at the time that he was divorcing her and marrying his mistress, who was sixteen years younger than him?

-- Badtux the "Hey, family values folks, where's the outrage?" Penguin


  1. Now, now, Tux! You KNOW that the number one family value of those folks is "Do as I SAY, not as I DO!"
    How else to explain them having hissy fits over every Democrat casting a roving eye while their guys disport themselves in men's bathrooms, whore houses and the family bed with college sports-boy-toys.

  2. These are family values. Soprano Family. Old Testament Family.


  3. Note also that the Family Values crowd, in the official sense, never liked McCain to begin with.

    To some extent, McCain can treat the evangelicals like Obama treats Democrats: he doesn't care what you think, you have to vote for him. But with McCain, he's gonna lose big time, so the stress is in a different place.


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