Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Want some torture with your peanuts?

It takes a lot to make this penguin speechless. But the Department of State Security (abbreviated "S S") has done so with their proposal to make all fliers wear torture devices upon their wrists. Because, apparently, if you haven't done anything wrong, there's nothing wrong with having an electronic tracking and torture device on your wrist.

But before we do that, I have a modest proposal. Let's make it mandatory that all Americans wear these whenever they're out in public. Because, after all, if you haven't done anything wrong, why would you be upset that the Department of Fatherland Security can track your every move and can submit you to excruciating pain whenever you are not immediately obedient to any S.S. trooper's orders? I mean, if you haven't done anything wrong, why not?

America. Land of the Free. For some definition of "free" I'm not aware of (maybe Josef Stalin's definition, huh?).

-- Badtux the Unsnarky Penguin


  1. That's interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about it right now. Off the top of my head I'm thinking that if I was going to use any kind of public transportation or go to the White House, or places like that I wouldn't mind wearing one because I know that I'm not going to do anything bad and it is an interesting way to stop the bad people.

    And don't kid yourself, this world is full of bad people.

    Better than a bracelet, how about a chip in the forehead? It can have all kinds of info on it, medical history and such, even be used for your banking.

    You wouldn't even have to carry money or credit cards anymore for crooks to rob you for.

    You could go into a Walmart and take your camping selections to a clerk and she would scan your forehead for the transaction.

    If the crooks want camping gear they will have to nail you in the parking lot, but if they have a chip in their heads the fuzz can put them out of action on the spot.

    Interesting to think how it might be in 25 or 50 years. But if mankind won't grow up it's going to have to be forced on him.

  2. BBC, you'd be GREAT if you were doing a parody a la Jesus' General. But you're not spoofing, are you? Which makes you...


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