Sunday, July 20, 2008

Damn you all to Hell

You're killing the penguins. Global warming has caused rain to replace snow in Antarctica, and penguin chicks cannot survive rain because they have no feathers to shed rain.

This penguin is very sad :-(.

-- Badtux the soon-to-be-lonely Penguin


  1. SIGH.

    First the baby red panda who was adopted by the cat died, now this.

  2. But the jury is still out on global warming, right? Just ask almost any Republican. They can probably quote "scientists" the same way the tobacco industry quoted "scientists" for decades who told us there was no real evidence that smoking was dangerous.

    I wonder what it costs to buy a PhD these days?

  3. Do you hear that crack?
    Its my heart breaking.

  4. I don't even believe in hell, but I do think we have sufficiently damned ourselves.
    Trouble is, our stupid ways have damned EVERYthing else, too.


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