Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One parody deserves another

David Horsey takes on both the New Yorker cover and the loonie lefties throwing conniption fits over it (and the tighty righties who think it's true):

Bwhahah! This penguin loves the snark, yes he does. Why, it smells like... herring! URP!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. i do like david horsey. apparently so do a few others.

  2. The problem is the number of "irony-challenged literalists" who don't understand that Horsey is satirizing them.

    To see the same people who had hissy fits over the New Yorker cover praising Horsey takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

  3. I think Cindy's pills are a nice touch. It's interesting how the right-wingnutosphere will go after Michelle Obama for being "angry", but I expect that they'd throw a major hissy-fit if the lefties brought up that Cindy was a junkie and a thief.


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