Friday, July 18, 2008

Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

Do you have more money? More freedoms? Better health care? More job security? More hope for the future? Are your children learning more? Are the roads in your state in better shape? Are people from your state dying in fewer numbers fighting useless wars overseas? Etc. etc. etc.?

If so, vote Republican.

If not... well, you know what that commie traitor said way back 28 years ago. If the party in power hasn't done right by you, vote for the other party. It's just that the party in question has flipped nowdays. Hrrm.

-- Badtux the "Some memes are just too good not to steal" Penguin

1 comment:

  1. To answer your questions in one word. NO!

    Hell, I was better off in the nineties when I was earning minimum wage while attending school. I was better off in the late 80s, I was better off in the 70s.

    This the poorest I've ever been, it's pretty depressing.


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