There is no joy like getting out of bed to go use the restroom, and stepping into a fresh pile of cat puke.
Carry on :-(.
-- Badtux the Dirty-flipper'ed Penguin
In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.
The religious right is motivated by the suspicion that someone, somewhere,
is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.
There is no joy like getting out of bed to go use the restroom, and stepping into a fresh pile of cat puke.
Carry on :-(.
-- Badtux the Dirty-flipper'ed Penguin
Ground rules: Comments that consist solely of insults, fact-free talking points, are off-topic, or simply spam the same argument over and over will be deleted. The penguin is the only one allowed to be an ass here. All viewpoints, however, are welcomed, even if I disagree vehemently with you.
WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.
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I lived with my girl kitty in a 24 foot travel trailer for 4 years . You couldn't miss the puddles if you had to . After the first 6 months or so of waking up to squishy toes , we switched to
ReplyDelete" Science Diet for senstive stomachs " and no more disgusting squishy toes . Can't guarentee it for all cats , but it sure worked with my girl . A few extra bucks was a small price to pay for clean floors .
w3ski ( your friend in kittyhood )
imagine your joy and surprise when you put on your stereo headphones. . .
ReplyDeleteI don't want to even imagine that, MB.
ReplyDelete- Badtux the Icked-out Penguin
Been there, done that, wear the slippers now.
ReplyDeleteWhy, oh why, do cats always have to gack right where your foot is bound to land? And why always in my room, and not one of the kids' rooms?
ReplyDeleteInquiring minds want to know.
RSB, the ways of cats are mysterious, and probably have to do with the myriad of ways in which you last offended them :-).
ReplyDelete- Badtux the Cat-offending Penguin
(well, that has to be the case, hmm?)
Carl, the problem is when the cat pukes in the slippers :-).
ReplyDeleteI laugh because I have done it.