Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why the Soviet Union failed

They never quite figured out that "advertising" stuff.

That advertisement for a ground chicken product consists of a sausage grinder, a chicken, and a female voice saying "chicken! chicken! chicken! Ground chicken!" over and over again. The name of the ground chicken product was literally, "ground chicken." I don't know whether this commercial is in Estonian or in Russian, hopefully our local Russian expert will tell us :-).

Here in Soviet America, we have only the best of advertising. Long live Soviet America!

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. It's not Russian, the lettering is Roman, not Cyrillic.

  2. Definitely Estonian then, just checked Wikipedia and Estonian uses the Latin alphabet with a few extras.

  3. Well, not definitely Estonian, but definitely non-Russian.

  4. It's Estonian, which is related to Finnish and Hungarian. The "Tallinnа" in the manufacturers name is the obvious tip off, it is the capital.

    Kana is chicken, but the first package had Курица as well, which is Russian for chicken.


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