Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Richard Cohen is a duplicitous hack

So Richard Cohen asks some fictitious Democrat "Just tell me one thing Barack Obama has done that you admire" then claims there is no such thing? Bull-crapola. I can think of one thing right off the top of my head that Barack Obama did that I admire: Barack Obama spoke out against the war in Iraq early when it was not popular to do so, and was right about the outcome.

And that's just the first thing off the top of my head. Obama voted for the new GI Bill (McCain voted "absent"), he put together a tremendous campaign organization that has generated a lot of excitement amongst the Democratic base (something Kerry or Al Gore never did), he has done a lot of things that I admire. And some things that I don't admire too. But anybody who claims that Barack Obama has accomplished nothing of importance is being a ridiculous duplicitous hack. Which describes Richard Cohen completely as he spends an entire editorial column trying to say "Obama is a scary nigger" without saying it.

-- Badtux the Politics Penguin


  1. What is it with left-wingers ("alleged left-wingers" in the case of that invasion-cheering Cohen) who feel that they have to attack the left? One of our favourite leftist radio talkers, Randi Rhodes of Nova-M (late of Air America, after her Hillary-bashing comedy routine in San Francisco in March) recently felt the need to describe herself as a "gas-guzzling girl" like she was proud of being environmentally incorrect. There have been other examples that I've seen recently which I can't cite because I don't care to remember them, but they're there.

    I'm not saying left political figures should be sacrosanct. The media blackout on John Edwards' affair (I was an Edwards enthusiast during the primaries) is creepy. If someone did something wrong, it should be exposed, no matter who did it. But gratuitious attacks from the left, on the left, what's the point? Has the bashing from the fascists gone on so long that left-wingers have become self-hating?

  2. I gave up on Richard Cohen back when he told Patrick Fitzgerald to "go home." Hell hath no fury like a DC insider scorned.

    And Bukko: you're more correct than you realize, and I hate to say that. I've engaged in a fair deal of left-on-left bashing myself, especially when it came to Hillary Clinton -- after she sat down and played footsie with Richard Mellon Scaife, I damn near lost my mind. But I'm doing better now...


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