Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More on McCain's record

Suggesting that McCain's war record has no relationship to his qualifications to be President is not unpatriotic, not does this denigrate his service to the U.S. No one is arguing about about McCain's courage or heroism during the Vietnam War.

If you judge McCain strictly on his political and policy views, he's an unmitigated disaster on economics, foreign policy, amd domestic policy. His devotion to further tax cuts would bankrupt the country, ... If McCain is elected President, he would further push the Supreme Court rightward, ...McCain's foreign policy views are reckless and destructive of our nation's interests, ...

What does have applicability is McCain's political and policy views today, not something that happened 40 years ago. But of course to state this truth makes me unpatriotic and means I hate the military (which of course is why I walked into the Air Force recruiter's office back in '83, yessiree, because I'm unpatriotic and hate the military, heh!). Funny, how the folks who make such accusations generally wouldn't be caught dead within a mile of a military recruiter's office...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Bush is one of the few who served, albeit sporadically and without distinction. His paltry record is exalted by the tru beleevers because so many are chickenhawks (see Cheney, Dick) and would never enlist or accept a commission. Why else was the draft not an option for this war?


  2. ...what is growing so tiresome about this useless little tempest is that the MSM is insisting on carrying the water one more time for another classic example of Repub campaign tactics: twist the words around, howl with outrage, and try to knock the other guy back on his heels and make him apologize. Not only would the accusers not be caught dead in the vicinity of a recruiter's office, but I suspect many of them probably don't even really care that much about his POW years, except as the subject of a campaign theme...

  3. Yep I'll defend this country to the very last drop of sombody else's blood.


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