Thursday, July 03, 2008

Are you a dissident?

Do you disagree with the direction that this country is going? Have you criticized the Bush administration and its policies in a public forum? Have you ever stated the notion, "this is no longer government of the people, by the people, for the people, we need to abolish it and start over again from scratch"?

Congratulations, citizen. The American STASI has been given free rein to build a file on you, regardless of whether you've ever advocated violence or not, regardless of whether you're any threat to the American people.

And if you believe this power will only be used against terrorists... bwahahahaha! And if you believe that President Barack Obama or President John McInsane would willingly give up this power: Bwahahaha!

Welcome to Soviet American, citizen. Please line up at the gate to be strip-searched and have your papers ready. Or else.

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. I grew up with the Berkeley Street Protests between me and my High School . Lived thru Johnson , Nixon even Raygun . Man I thought those people were Bad . I had No Idea how Bad , bad can be . All the stuff we were " paranoid " to think of , has come to pass . At least we paranoids saw it coming even if we were helpless to stop it .

  2. Fuck 'em.
    They got nothing better to do than watch my skinny ass, they are wasting my money.

  3. Bustednuckles is right, if they have no bigger priority than watching a pissed off tattoo-sporting motorcycle riding grandma, they are more brain-fucked than any of us could dream up! What asshats.

  4. They may be brain-fucked, but we have a right to privacy. What's to keep them from using what we say and do to identify us as subversives and locking our asses up indefinitely?

    "Fuck 'em?" Not hardly.



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