Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Stolen in whole from Maru the Crankpot: Cranky old psycho John 'foreign policy experience!' McCain confused African countries while talking to reporters on the Senile Express today. This time, he was bailed out not by insufferable quisling Joe Lieberman, but by his nanny, Marky "Poppins" Salter.

“How can we bring pressure on the government of Somalia,” McCain asked, "to get off my lawn?!"

“Sudan,” Salter said.

“Sudan,” McCain repeated, then called him a cunt and went back to sleep.

-- Badtux the Outsnarked Penguin

1 comment:

  1. And when I started the pickup this morning that fucking Rush Limbaugh was on the radio. I can't stand that fucking idiot. Welcome to the continued brainwashing of America.


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