Senator John Mccain Wishes To Have Sex With Model Heidi Klum
And I wish I had a million dollars, heh!
I swear, these spammers must have the secret headline generator used by The Onion hard at work for them...
-- Badtux the Spammed Penguin
In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.
The religious right is motivated by the suspicion that someone, somewhere,
is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.
Senator John Mccain Wishes To Have Sex With Model Heidi Klum
And I wish I had a million dollars, heh!
I swear, these spammers must have the secret headline generator used by The Onion hard at work for them...
-- Badtux the Spammed Penguin
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And you can keep food down while reading the subject line. Heh!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he wants to have sex with a model OF Heidi Klum! Is there a word for the -philia of wanting to do the nasty with showroom dummies? 'Cause most of them are designed to look sexy. They're the original hard-bodies. I'd Google the subject, but I'm at work.