Thursday, December 10, 2009

Medicare is good, except it's bad

So... we shouldn't cut excess disbursements to Medicare Advantage because Medicare is good. But we shouldn't let people buy into Medicare because Medicare is bad.

I suppose expecting logical consistency out of Republicans is like expecting cows to fly, but, geez, at least they could try...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Abundant stupidity. I presume that's where the phrase "talking out of both sides of his mouth" comes from.
    I did however hear that the Gov wanted to cut some of Medicare, but now they want more people on it ? Can they do both?
    a bewildered w3ski

  2. The cuts are to the overcharges in the Medicare Advantage and Part D Drug programs, which are costing billions of dollar. The cuts will then be applied to eliminating the donut hole in Part D. Right now Medicare Advantage providers are getting 10% more than Medicare Classic providers for any given procedure, the "cuts" bring them down to getting the same reimbursement as all other Medicare providers. And right now Part D drug providers can charge Medicare whatever they feel like charging Medicare for drugs, the "cuts" in Part D will allow Medicare to actually negotiate drug pricess with drug providers.

    So the "cuts" in Medicare that have the Republicans all up in arms aren't actually cuts in Medicare *SERVICES*, every service currently provided by Medicare will still be provided after the "cuts". However, corporate PROFITS will be cut, the horror, oh the horror, how DARE government come between a corporation and its ability to profit from government welfare programs!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. The only plan that is right for us is the plan that the politicians are on, that we pay for. What's good enough for them should be good enough for us, anything else is bullshit.

  4. Right now Medicare Advantage providers are getting 10% more than Medicare Classic providers for any given procedure, the "cuts" bring them down to getting the same reimbursement as all other Medicare providers.

    I think you're wrong about this. I believe when the Medicare Advantage program was started, they were given a 12% increase above Medicare costs, not 10%. When Republicans were in power, this went to 14%.

    Nice to know that private health insurance is so much more efficient than Medicare, while simultaneously requiring a 14% premium to function. Another case of "IF A THEN Z" logic so often employed by the GOP.


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