Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Blame Canada!

So the United States Army shot up a Canadian diplomat's car. What next? Bomb Canadian soldiers? Oops, been there, done that.

Seems like the most danger a Canadian is ever in overseas comes from the U.S. military... I wonder if they're trying to tell the Canadians something? What next? Invade Canada? Not that it worked out so well the last time...

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. You shoot at us, bomb us, call us 'tards, franchise the great white north, buy up our national institutions... but we just can't quit you, ya big brokeback lug. But use some lube next time, okay?

  2. PT, that's JavaScript, not Java, and it was a ludicrously simple one that required only an hour's worth of reading the JavaScript manual to get right (heh!).

    Simon: I knew Canada was doomed when I walked past the Starbucks in the lobby of the Sears store in downtown Vancouver BC, looked out the doors across the street... right into the doors of another Starbucks. You're doomed, doomed I say! Doomed!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Of course we should invade Canada! It is our duty as Godly Compassionate Conservatives to save them from the curses of universal health care, legalized marijuana, and massive petroleum reserves!

    Plus, they allow The Gays to marry, and they make fun of us a lot.


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