Thursday, January 19, 2006

U.S. helicopter crash kills over 40 Iraqis

Security measures put into place by U.S. soldiers investigating the crash of one of their helicopters funneled travellers into an insurgent-controlled area, where over 40 were killed.

But that doesn't matter, because the people killed weren't really human. They were Iraqis. Darkies. Unseemly brown people. They weren't real people, God's people, by-god American (oh boy, my li'l soldier salutes just sayin' that!). So they don't count. Dead Iraqis is no different from dead chickens in a chicken rendering plant, just animals put out of their misery. So we don't need to worry ourselves about killing 40 innocent Iraqis in order to protect American soldiers who signed on to be shot at, anymore than we need to worry ourselves about how many cockroaches we kill every year.

In other news, the Republican Party has announced that racism is dead in America.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Hey, look -- a flying pig!

  2. Are those monkeys flying out of my rear?


  3. Oh, that article is so heart breaking. Those poor people. Can you imagine having to live and function in those conditions? Unfortunately, they have to have food and water, so can't just stay home and hide! Of course, who's to say they would be safe hiding? The troops tend to go visiting houses in search of insurgents, quite often.


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