Friday, January 13, 2006

Where y'at?

Okay, so I've been tied down getting a new server up and going. Do you know just how difficult it is to move a production EMAIL server from one platform to another? I had to move it off an ancient box running Sendmail on Red Hat 7.3 Linux to a modern box running Exim on Debian 3.1 Linux. This was *not* trivial, and required doing a lot of work between 11pm and 1am last night to do the final little bit of the migration (down the sendmail, migrate the data, redirect all mail to the new server in the sendmail config, update all dns to reflect that, up the sendmail to handle any dribbles that continued coming in on the old IP). Getting the webmail up and going similarly was/is not trivial (still have a little bit to go there... I want the webmail to only be accessible via https, right now it's accessible via both http and https).

Maybe now that I have a new, modern server, I can think about moving this blog off of

-- Badtux the Computer Penguin

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