Monday, January 23, 2006

Bizarre car posting of the day

This one is for Da Fixa: Click'n'Clack ask, what kind of cars do gay guys and lesbian chicks drive?. Some of the entries will not surprise you -- for example, the Survivor:Texas game consists of two gay guys driving through Texas in a VW New Beetle with a bumper sticker that reads "I'm Gay and I'm Here To Take Your Guns", and Subarus are the ultimate lesbian magnet. Others... well, let's just say that the rugged Western outdoors types are likely to be surprised to find their favorite vehicle high on the list (heh heh heh!).

- Badtux the Car Penguin


  1. Dead right on the lesbians in Subarus. We have eight or ten lesbian couples as customers and each owns at least one. Honda CR-V too.

    Gay men, VW definitely. The rich ones drive Mercedes, the little sporty ones.

  2. Addendum to the gay men: More the Passats and Golfs than Beetles.


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