Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Today is Beer-In-Cans Day

Courtesy of the blogger formerly known as G.D. Frogsdong, I am proud to announce that today is National Beer-In-Cans Day. On this day in 1935, beer was first sold in cans. I will, of course, do my part to celebrate this historic event...

- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin


  1. A well-rounded flightless bird is one that has a sense of history.

  2. Guiness draft sounds good.

  3. Owing to where I was raised...there is only one beer that needs, nay cries out to be drunk from a can, and that's Tecate (with lime and salt because that is the only way that one can down that swill).

    When I first moved from Texas to Minnesota I found a bar that served Tecate and asked for one...which they served to me in a bottle. I was dumbstruck! "Tecate comes in bottles," I wondered. "How the hell am I pulp my lime on the edge of a frickin' bottle."

    Ok...ok. Iron City also requires a can. Does it come any other way?


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