Friday, January 27, 2006

The Investigator of Open Drawers

The Investigator of Open Drawers performs his duties.

- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin


  1. Hidden catnip, perhaps?

  2. Maybe you can put your cat on CSI!

  3. No, Lab Kat, he just investigates any drawer or cabinet that I open (makes cooking interesting, since if I open a cabinet to get a pot out, he is immediately there before I can close the door). As well as any box that I open. I got a new windshield for my motorcycle a while back, and I opened the box to get it out, and he was in the box investigating its contents before I could get the windshield out. If curiousity killed the cat, this cat must have a jillion lives, not just nine (heh!).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  4. i have a cockatiel named lestat who has the same job as your cat...investigate any open cabinet.

    of course, lestat is looking for a nesting place for him and his sister squiggles.

    yes, it's disgusting.


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