Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Al Gore: Traitor to democracy

The left blogosphere went ballistic a couple of days ago about some speech that Al Gore made. It was "passionate", they said. "Best speech I've ever heard", they said. "Heartfelt", they said. "Moves him into the front running for the 2008 Presidential election", they said.

"Bullshit", I say.

Doesn't matter how good the speech is. It's still just a bunch of hot air. When we needed Mr. Gore to be a man of action, he chose to be a "statesman" and let Bush steal the 2000 election. No amount of hot air can make up for that crime against democracy on the part of Gore.

We need action, not words. We need change, not blather. People who push Gore as the Democratic Presidential candidate for 2008 need to find someone with a spine. We need a real leader, not Gore.

- Badtux the Realist Penguin


  1. I've got a grudge against Gore that goes back to '92.

    I will never forget. Still the man did some mighty purty speechifying the other day.

  2. While everyone was talking about Florida, if Gore had won his home state of Tenn, Shrub wouldn't be the First Renter.

    I agree that we need someone with balls, someone fresh, dynamic and willing to stand up for what is right, not what is popular.

  3. Oroborus and Debra are both right.

    Gore's words were good, but his delivery still sucks. I could have delivered that speech better.

    And it's easy to say the right thing; what's hard is to follow the hero's path and do something about it. Gore had a shot and he blew it. Sure, he got cheated, but if he'd won his home state…

  4. I agree that we need someone with balls, someone fresh, dynamic and willing to stand up for what is right, not what is popular.

    Problem is, when that person does pop up, the cowards in the Democratic Party leadership shut him up. That's what they did to Howard Dean.

  5. What Debra said. Sure, we all know the Republicans stole Florida in '00, just like they stole Ohio in '04. That's what Republicans do.

    But Gore lost his own state and Bill Clinton's state in 2000. He also lost New Hampshire (which was previously a Repub state, but voted for Clinton both times and Kerry in '04) by less than 7,000 votes. He also lost West Virginia, which had voted Democratic since, roughly, forever.

    Had he spent more time shoring up support in places he should expect to do well, instead of spending all those many pre-election weeks canvassing a state he had to know the Republicans would steal (hello? Candidate's brother runs the state? Candidate's campaign manager decides which votes count?) we wouldn't be in this mess today.

    So, in other words: F**k Al Gore. F**k him right in the ear.

  6. It's worse than that, Aaron. After the election, when the Republicans set up their bogus "riot", a bunch of black leaders and preachers got together with Gore. They said something along the lines of, "Mr. Gore, we're ready to stand by you. Just give us the word, and we'll have our people out in the street for you. We'll show those crackers what protests are all about."

    Gore turned them down. It wouldn't be "presidential", he said.


    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

  7. I agree Gore isn't the one to lead the Democrats out of the wilderness. However, I agree with what he said.

  8. Would you really like to see people rioting in the streets? Just out of curiosity. Do you think that is a successful way to gain attention and a good way to have your party taken seriously?

    And, I know I'm going to get thrown under the bus for this one, but:
    "Problem is, when that person does pop up, the cowards in the Democratic Party leadership shut him up. That's what they did to Howard Dean."

    I don't know that anyone took him seriously, did they?

  9. Well gosh, TRA. You're right. The proper response when a crooked politician steals an election is to wring your hands and make tut-tutting noises. After all, democracy isn't worth fighting for, it's only worth making tut-tutting noises about.

    Of course, the Ukrainians don't agree, when their election was stolen by crooked politicians they went out on the streets and demonstrated until they got democracy, but what do they know, they're just some suspiciously dusky wogs, they're not fine upstanding freedom-loving fellers and gals like God's people, the Chosen people, Americans. God bless America!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  10. I remember when Gore ran in 88 and gave a speech to tobacco growers and how proud he was to be one of them. 8 years later at the 96 convention he used his sister's death to cancer to gain sympathy and ripped the tobacco lobby. He is an opportunist, hypocrite and possibly the worst human being to ever seek the highest office in the land.

    I respect his right to disagree with the Bush administration, but when you go to Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islamic extremism and feed the fires of hate by ripping America. Go to Hell Mr. Vice President.

  11. arrest Al Gore for treason....

  12. Nah, he's already been punished enough by being made a laughstock everywhere. Al Gore -- Spineless coward. Nothing he ever does will ever let him live that down. On his gravestone, they'll write, "Here lies Al, who had no spine, all he ever did was whine."

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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