Sunday, January 22, 2006

Stuffed Penguin

Officer, officer! I've been assaulted! Pulled out of my car, shoved into a room where I did not want to go, and forcibly stuffed. STUFFED, I say, with brisket and baked potato and barbecue sauce and french toast and peach cobbler.

Officer, I demand that you arrest that restaurant right now for forcing me to eat until I can barely waddle!

What? You say I should exercise self-restraint and quit blaming the restaurant for the fact that I stuffed myself with barbecue until I could barely waddle back to my car?

Darn. For a moment there, I almost thought that, with my whining about how restaurants force barbecue upon poor innocent penguins, I could be like a Republican whining about how liberals are forcing homosexuality upon America!

Gotta go, time to sleep it off...

- Badtux the Stuffed Penguin


  1. I wanna know where that restaurant is. That sounds good!

  2. No you don't. It was profoundly mediocre barbecue. If you really want good barbecue and you're in the Phoenix AZ area, Mama Bear's on Van Buren street is the place to go. A dump run by a black family from Memphis. Food to die for. Get there early, they don't take reservations (we're talking about the kind of place where the tables are hand-built out of scrap lumber) and the line goes out the door if you can even find parking, especially on football nights. Alas, I haven't found any similarly good barbecue in this new place that I've moved my iceberg to, but I'm still searching -- wish me luck, I might find it yet!

    - Badtux the Stuffed Penguin


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