Monday, January 30, 2006

But they're desperate

The Democrats, proving that the term "Democrat" is synonymous with "spineless pussy-wimp", failed to unite behind an attempt to filibuster Judge A-Lie-oh.

They don't get it. The Democrats just don't get it. They've got the Republicans about as desperate as the Iraqi insurgency, yet continue to deny reality.

Here's a hint, Democrats: These SOB's want to KILL you. That Republican neighbor I mentioned in my Kitten-off poll? The one who wants to kill you with a hammer? The one who thinks a kitten's life is more important and more valuable than a liberal's life? He's not alone. These bastards are just working up to the Final Solution to the problem of Democrats, liberals, and anybody else who doesn't support their moron Commander in Chief with full sycophantic tail-wagging slobbering adoration.

And you're letting them do it.

Morons. Spineless pussy-wimp morons.


-- Badtux the Pissed Penguin


  1. Jesus, we need a good Independent candidate.

  2. I'll second that Lab Kat.....

    I've got a hunch that Vilsack of Iowa will be tossing his hat into the ring about this time next year. He's not running for re-election for a third term as govenor and he was short listed for the VP slot in the 2004 election. So... maybe. But, I'm not sure if I would trust him very far though. He's a more towards the right of the liberal side.



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