Friday, January 20, 2006

3200 still missing in New Orleans

That's not counting the 1383 *official* dead, or those who had no family to report them missing. 3200 people. Just gone. And, *finally*, somebody is going to search for a few of them.

Remember, we honor our dead here in America. Unless, of course, they're black. Or poor. Or both. In that case... well... y'know.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Yeah, I know! I'm glad they finally decided to search for the missing.

  2. Ah... Halaburton (and subs) is sooo efficient with government (the people's) money. I thought they already went through the buildings of NO looking for the dead. But, we know that bodies are still being found in the buildings.


  3. Remember, we honor our dead here in America. Unless, of course, they're black. Or poor. Or both. In that case... well... y'know.

    Not only were the victims of Katrina black and poor, but unlike the 9/11 casualties, their deaths can't be used by wingnuts as an excuse for ignorant hatred, demagoguery and militaristic aggression under the cover of patriotism.

  4. If the Dems had any brains at all, they would be employing a team to track down every single survivor of Katrina, and making sure they are registered to vote, wherever they are.


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