Friday, January 06, 2006

The chow hound, before and after gorging

One of these cats is from before my vacation. The other of these cats is from after my vacation, after eating 12 days of food in 6 days time. Which is which? (Answer in the comments).

And remember, he's not big-boned. He's fat.

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

Bonus cat: This guy, interrupted while he was reading the newspaper, demonstrates that the black cat wasn't the only cat eating like, well, a dog, during my vacation...


  1. The right one is the fat cat. But it is hard to tell.

    Really those cats look as big as bob cats.

  2. Trick photography, my friend. Trick photography. They're actually normal-sized house cats. Just fat. Like their waddling ownee.

    And look carefully at those pictures. Don't let yourself get fooled by the fact that in one picture, the black cat has his feet splayed out, and in the other, he has his feet tucked in. Look at his body above the hips, closer to the front paws, to figure out which picture he's fatter in. Trick photography can make even a skinnier cat look fatter if you don't look carefully, and penguins are tricky characters (heh!).

    - Badtux the Photo Penguin

  3. The one on the left. He's so miserable, he can't lay out stretched, anymore. Look at how bunched up his tummy is. His poor little face shows how miserable he is. His ears aren't up, happy and straight, either. The pretty spotted kitty ate so much, he can't do anything but sleep. Sad, sad, sad!

  4. Oh, I guess his ears are up, but his face is all bunched. All three pictures are adorable:)

  5. And the winner is... OLD WHITE LADY! Yes, the black cat on the left is "post-food-orgy", the black cat on the right is "pre-food-orgy". For ole' Blue, who let my trick photography fool him -- look at his chest, not at his hips. If you follow his chest down towards his hips, the cat on the right has a bit of a "vee" there before his body widens back out to the hips. The cat on the left does not -- he has one continuous tub of lard there.

    Now, for our next trick, guess this cat's weight? Nevermind, I'll tell you. I just stepped on the scale with him, and he's 16 pounds. Not quite ready to take down antelope on the African veldt, but definitely not slim'n'trim!

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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