Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Computer glasses redux...

As I mentioned, my bifocals are not my preferred way of looking at a computer screen. I basically ended up taking the pedestal off of my flat-panel monitor and leaning it against my computer down low and near on an adjustable desk so that I can see it through the bottom of my bifocals without craning my head back too much. So I'm thinking of getting a pair of "computer glasses" -- a single-prescription set of eyeglasses to use solely when working on the computer. That way my neck can get a break.

A bit of research turned up 39 Dollar Glasses. They appear to be located physically within the United States and get your glasses to you in a timely manner, unlike the other two places I looked at, which were physically in Hong Kong or Pakistan.

Has anybody out there used this place? $39 for a pair of "computer glasses" sounds like a pretty good deal, if they actually work!

-- Badtux the Myopic Penguin


  1. For what it's worth, I have a second pair of glasses instead of a set of bifocals. Bifocals are great if you're in a meeting, but they really don't work adequately when you're editing text or code on a monitor.

  2. Yeah, I've come to that conclusion myself.

    I just went ahead and ordered a pair of reading glasses from 39dollarglasses.com. What the hell, it's just $45 ($39 + shipping). If they don't work, it's not like I've thrown a lot of money down the drain...

    - Badtux the near-sighted Penguin

  3. The eyes required bifocals two weeks before I turned 40. Thought I was a replicant.

    My eyesight requires that I have no lines bifocals. Actually they are trifocals and my computer reading part is in the middle. This was okay when I just surfed, but now that I have started to play with templates and a little W3 compliance stuff it is not sufficient.

    Thanks for the link, you are a lifesaver.

  4. Huh. I ordered them last night. This morning I got a message that my order was being processed. This afternoon I got a message that my order had been shipped from New York.

    Now *that* is fast!

    Of course, I was ordering plain old lenses, not anything fancy, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. But it sure beats waiting for cheaper glasses from Hong Kong or Pakistan...

    Now to see if they actually work right. We'll see.

    - Badtux the near-sighted Penguin

  5. I'm eager to hear if your order works out. I could do with another cheap pair of glasses to sit next to my monitor at home.


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