Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cindy Sheehan!

Wandered by a right-wing circle-jerk discussing Bush's State of the Union address. It went something like this:

WingNut 1: "Cindy Sheehan!"
WingNut 2: "Bwhahahahah!"
Wingnut 3: "Left-wing hates America!"
Wingnut 1: "Hahahhahaha! ROFL!"
WIngnut 2: "Grief whore!"
Wingnut 3: "LOL!"

Man, the jizzum was just a'collectin' on the floor in the middle of these dudes. I left'em a bit of advice, but I doubt they'll listen to it. They're having too much fun standing in a circle yanking each other's knobs.

So here's basically what I told them: I don’t get it. Why mention Cindy Sheehan at all? She’s the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq. That’s all I know about her, and frankly, all I want to know about her. Having lost her son gives her a right to have an opinion about whether the loss was worthwhile or not, and whether I agree with her opinion or not is irrelevant. (For the record, I’ve never talked to her to find out her opinion, so I have no idea whether I’d agree with it or not… and no, I’m not going to take some 3rd party’s word about what her opinion is).

Every time these guys try to run down the mother of a deceased veteran, it makes right wingers look bad. But boy, these guys sure seem to have fun jerking off in a circle… “Cindy Sheehan!” “Hahahaha!” “Bwahahahah!” “Cindy Sheehan!” “ROFL!”. I let'em know that making fun of grieving mothers, no matter how laughable their opinion is, is not the way to win friends and influence people. It just makes people think you’re a bunch of jerks.

But what the hey, these guys never listen to Libertarians anyhow, except to confuse us with liberals… so keep on circle-jerking away, Wingnuts. “Cindy Sheehan!” “Hahahahah!”. Sheesh.

– Badtux the Libertarian Penguin

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