Thursday, January 19, 2006

All your searches are belong to us

Watch it when you Google for search terms like "preteen penguin porn". Big Brother is watching. Or wants to, anyhow.

BTW, typing that above Google search term and clicking through a couple of links took me to this site advocating adoption of Little Penguins . Oh dear, I wonder just what kind of "adoption" they're talking about, anyhow?

-- Badtux the Porno Penguin

Update: Also don't miss this article on penguin prostitutes, especially if you are in Pittsburgh...


  1. Saw that in the news too, the guvment seems to want to restrict sites that may have what they consider "adult" things on their sites.

    For instance since I do like to nude women I would have to have a front page warning people and requiring age verification. Which you may or may not know.

    I would adopt a baby penguin but my freezer is not big enough, I guess I can buy one of those industrial walk in freezers, or just move to a really cold place.

  2. Best response I got was from one of my co-workers: "I'm not worried. I already memorized the URLs of all the porno sites I'll ever need."

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. And if Google doesn't comply...hell, they'll just take the server records by force, legal or no. The NSA scandal has already proven that quaint concepts like "The Rule of Law" mean nothing to these troglodytes.

  4. Nah... They're just looking for the good sites without having to do the searches themselves. What a bunch of hypocrits.



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