Friday, January 20, 2006

The cat looks up

Look at this cat. This cat is happy. This cat has a good master, gets fed well, and has his own throne to sit upon. He's not free, I (his master) do not allow him to go out, don't allow him to get on the dining room table while I'm eating, etc., but all in all he realizes that he's lucky to be living as a pet in my house rather than free upon the streets. Freedom is scary, lives of free cats are short and tend to involve a lot of misery, and I'm not such a bad master, after all. I feed him every night, and I change his litter box at least once a week, and what more could a pampered house cat want?

This cat is an American cat. A pampered house pet, happy to have a master.

And now for a bonus cat:

Alrighty then!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Now look! That bonus cat must be an outdoor cat. Wouldn't your poor indoor-only kitty like to get that big? And wouldn't your cute little kitty like to grow antlers, like that? If you would let him outside, he could, possibly, grow like that!

    Yeah, my kitties are indoor-only, too. I don't want them getting run over, fleas, worms, fighting with other cats, or any type of life shortening incident. I had a cat named He-man who used to find ways to get out. He ended up fighting with another cat. When I brought him inside, he ran under my bed and stayed there. After a day or so, he couldn't move and had to be rushed to the vet because his wounds had become infected. The doc shot him with some sort of antibiotic and sent home that nasty pink stuff. He-man fully recovered.


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