Tuesday, January 15, 2008

White trash blues

Classic country music is white trash blues. Here's an example of the genre. Just my crappy vocals, a guitar, a little harmonica. Kinda thing you might hear around a campfire as the wind blows across the plain and the cows rustle around nervously in the background.

Warnings -- 1. It's a 1.5 megabyte file. 2. The word "shit" is prominently figured in the thing. The title of the song is "Everything Turns to Shit". The easily offended need to retire to their fainting couches rather than download it.

Can't say that doing it with the $500 software (Logic Pro) got me anything I couldn't have gotten by doing it with the $69 software (GarageBand). But then, I'm just learning, so (shrug).

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. Wonderful. Keep 'em coming.

  2. Okay, that's it, how many more Saturday evenings do I have to spend running a press just to have the money to buy the MacBook and Logic software I want? 'Cause after I retire my blog, that time will be spent writing and playing music and putting that on the Net instead. You're making me envious now...

  3. Macbook 2.2ghz: $1299
    RAM upgrade, 4Gb: $100 (NewEgg.com) (requires small phillips screwdriver, instructions are in Macbook owner's manual)
    Apple Logic - $499
    External 750GB Firewire hard drive for backups: $200
    External 500GB Firewire hard drive for music: $150 (Western Digital branded, from NewEgg - quality stuff).
    Lexicon Lambda Studio recording gear: $150 from Zzounds
    ATK AT2020 vocals mike (condenser, medium diaphragm) - $100 from Zzounds
    Boehringer instrument mike pair (small-diaphragm condenser) $69 from Zzounds
    Assorted MIDI cables, mike cables, etc.
    Keyboard of choice if doing MIDI.

    So figure $2500 for the core computer gear and software and recording gear and cables and stuff, then whatever you intend to spend on the keyboard (since you do that electronic stuff, unlike this acoustic penguin). Note that my setup supports a maximum of two mikes and a MIDI keyboard. That's not a problem for one guy working in a home studio, may be an issue if you intend to record live music, in which case I'd suggest going at least to a four-mike-input recorder (which adds $50 to the cost). More than four inputs requires going to a Firewire sound system to get acceptable latency, which is quite expensive, and probably a Macbook Pro due to its Firewire-b input. Not worth it in my opinion unless you are a professional running a professional studio.

  4. Ho boy. I'm gonna be pulling me a mess o' Saturday evening shifts this year.

    If I could play the guitar, I'd do that instead. Thing is, my fingers are too club-shaped for that. Can't make a bar chord, just a "buzz" chord. But if I ever manage to resurrect my music hobby, look the fuck out...


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