Friday, January 04, 2008

A tale of two economies

German unemployment falls to six-year low of 7.9% (measured the OECD way).

U.S. unemployment hits two-year high of 8.8% measured the OECD way (5% measured the U.S. propaganda way, which "disappears" a significant number of the unemployed... they're not employed, they're not unemployed, they just... aren't).

We must elect a President who protects us from those nasty European socialistic ideas like universal health care, otherwise we will become a stagnant nation like Germany that, uhm, still makes shit and has a growing economy, rather than being a dynamic nation of, err, folks who don't make shit, with a stagnant economy and lots of people unemployed on the streets. Save us, oh save us, Republicans, from the fate of those horrible European nightmares like, uhm, Germany!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I can't follow you here. Isn't the "OECD" way what I can find on the website of the OECD? The increase to 8.8% is mostly due the inclusion of part-time workers, or am I misreading that?


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