Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ah, Zyrtec!

It's about time it got released over the counter here in the USA. It's been over-the-counter in Canada for over five years now. I got a 30 day supply in Canada when I was up there three years ago, found that it didn't handle my allergies any better than Claritin did, so never bothered getting a prescription here in the 'States. Anyhow, Wally World had it today so I bought a bottle, because while it doesn't handle my allergies better than Claritin, it has one big advantage -- it lasts a full 24 hours, while Claritin lasts me about 16 hours, a rather awkward period to handle for medication purposes.

Oh, Part IV of the Civil War series is underway. Patience. The Palestinian Civil War has been underway now for 70 years. Solving it overnight is asking a lot of a penguin :-).

-- Badtux the Clearer-breathin' Penguin


  1. Try Allegra. For me it was wonderful after suffering 40+ years of hay fever. You do need a prescription and it's not cheap without insurance.

  2. breathlessly awaiting part iv


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