Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is it better to be anally raped by an elephant or by a donkey?

Oh dear God. I need eyewash after Googling "elephant penis size" and "donkey penis length". Ick!

Oh, being raped by a donkey is probably preferable to being raped by an elephant. For one thing, being mounted by an elephant, even without penetration, would tend to make either a hairless monkey or a penguin rather... flat.

I leave it to you to apply this lesson to the question of who to vote for in November.

-- Badtux the Political Animal Penguin


  1. I wouldn't even think of Googling something like that, to busy doing more important things.

    American Greed & Politics

  2. We seem to be working with a theme...

  3. Reminds me of the rudest joke I know.

    why do you have to wrap the hamsters in duct tape?

    so they don't explode when you fuck them.

    So I guess I'll just pass the penguin the duct tape. :(

  4. Googling what? I never thought of doing that. Don't plan to, either.

  5. that's it. i'm voting for the hamster.

  6. OWL, it's better that way. Believe me. My poor wounded sensibilities are still recovering from that Google search. Who would have thought that so many people would have such... fantasies... [shudder]. Look, all I wanted was simple biological information easily obtainable via tape measure, not some sick perverted crap that read like a TSA training manual!

  7. Sadly, Hipparchia, there does not appear to be a hamster running for President. Except maybe Dennis Kucinich. But I think he's pretty much given up and is running for his House seat again.

    No, it appears we will have the choice of a donkey or an elephant. Sigh...


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