Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Non-Santa-Rosa Macbook and 4GB of RAM

Just found out that the older Macbook like mine (6 months old!) won't see all of 4GB of RAM (it'll only see 3GB), but you can still put the two 2GB sticks in there. Cool! And then when I upgrade to a Macbook that *will* see 4GB of RAM, all I have to do is swap the sticks into the new Macbook...

Why I'm maxing out my 2GB of RAM -- I'm running Red Hat Enterprise 5 inside a Parallels virtual machine to do development work. This way I can carry my work everywhere with me. Whether this is an advantage or disadvantage depends upon your viewpoint, but given that I have some hard deadlines coming up within the next 5 weeks and then a performance review after that (gulp!), I'll take any advantage I can get...

- Badtux the Busy Penguin

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