Monday, January 07, 2008

Florida. Where men are men, and...

goats are scared.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Cautious-about-goin'-to-Florida Penguin

(Hey, penguins have cloaca rather than, uhm, you know, but hey, those rednecks can't even spell cloaca, so penguins ought to be scared too!)


  1. Spent two years there when I was young, in the Navy. To the local rednecks everything was game.

    The only thing that came close to sort of normal was wife sharing. But the idea was to not let the other party know about it.

    Not that they didn't find out at times, then they just beat the shit out of each other before going off to drink with each other. *rolls eyes*

  2. Well, at least it wasn't a mule...


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