Monday, January 14, 2008

Gotta watch out for those five year old kids...

they might be terrorists. The TSA detained and searched a 5 year old boy who had the same name as a suspected terrorist. Because, y'know, it's impossible to just look at a 5 year old boy and verify he's not a terrorist. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Actually, I've run across a few 5-year-old terrorists in my time. I wish they'd start kicking more of them off planes and out of restaurants.

  2. The government's finally recognizing the real threat!

  3. Well it's about time. Maybe they asked The Governator. He knows first-hand the evils of those dastardly places called "kindergartens", where they indoctrinate our children with such un-American values as "sharing" and "use your words, not your fists" and thereby turn them into five-year-old terriers err terrorists whatever. Well, okay, it was just a movie (Kindergarten Cop), maybe he *doesn't* know first hand, but even second hand experience via a script may have been enough.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  4. He could of been could be a cleverly disguised terrorist (using his real name?).

    Some of those kindergarteners are real terrors. NO?

  5. Maybe he was a terrorist in training, fresh from a terrorist kindergarten in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia (or some other country we're allied with)?

  6. Hmm... you may have a point, Karlo, the name for "kindergarten" in Arabic is "madrasa", and everybody knows that those madrasas are terrorist training academies!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  7. Silly Penguin. Don't you know that only white males with American accents between the ages of 25 and 90 can't be terrorists?


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