Monday, January 07, 2008

And Orwell smiled

The man to the left is showing no emotion, CNN reports.

Ignore the evidence of your eyes, which show him looking unhappy and concerned. The truth is what our brave Party commissars in the mainstream media tell us, not what we see with our own two eyes.

-- Badtux the Orwellian Penguin


  1. What they're really telling us is that he isn't showing guilt. They want us to judge him in the court of popular opinion. Probably.

  2. Yes, in Soviet America show trials are held in the media for high profile criminals, unlike in civilized countries where the media do not report on perps and trials until the result is known. The goal is, of course, to create a tainted jury pool that will convict the man who has been given a show trial by the media. That's just how things work in Soviet America, fair trials are for those icky other countries, not for us.

    - Badtux the Soviet Penguin

  3. I need a Fox News pundit to tell me whether he's REALLY showing emotion. I can't trust my own senses about anything anymore. Only the Fox News pundits can see beyond this shifting world of shadows to the real forms moving about in the darkness.


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