Friday, January 11, 2008

Lucinda Williams - Metal Firecracker

Texas does produce *something* besides dumbasses, and that's some smokin' musicians who take R&B, country, and rock and put together a spicy gumbo indeed...

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. She was his everything, until she fucked it up.

  2. Or maybe she just realized he was a cranky old woman-hater, and dumped his ass like a hot skillet.

  3. i loves me some lucinda, some patty, some nancy, and some tish hinjosa. there's something about a texas gal who grabs herself a guitar and starts slinging with the boys that is just too fucking hot for words. most of the ladies that i've met and worked for would have been able to make a decent living as lunch pail players, they are perfectly capable of being backers and do not only function out front.

    when tish writes a love song about "40 miles of bad road" you know that she's working on shakespearian themes (the course of true love did ne'er run easy).


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