Monday, January 14, 2008

Just a little reminder...

Not all the homeless are mentally ill bums shuffling around talking to their imaginary pals. 23% of homeless are families with children.

But it's only right that we punish children for the crime of, err, ah, uhm, being poor? Because if we don't constantly punish them and humiliate them, continually make their life a living nightmare, subject them to nightmarishly bad schools and crumbling inner city health provision systems, why, why... they might grow up to think they're as good as us. God forbid! It's just in the nature of things that us good aryan white folk be on top, and those disgusting smelly darkies be on the bottom. Next thing yer gonna tell me is that Jesus had dark skin and the Bible was written in some heathen gabble rather than in God's own language, English. Heresy! HISSS!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. There's other languages?

  2. i just spent 15 days in the jailhouse
    for the crime of having no dough
    now here i am back out on the street again
    for the crime of having no where to go. . .

    save your neck
    or save your brother's
    looks like it's
    one or the other

    oh, you don't know
    the shape i'm in.

    the band

  3. Q: What do you call someone who knows three languages?
    A: Trilingual.

    Q: What do you call someone who knows two languages?
    A: Biligual.

    Q: What do you call someone who knows only one language?
    A: An American.

    Thank you, thank you...

  4. sigh - tell me something good!!!


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