Monday, January 21, 2008

In Soviet America, you obey the McCop

Left: A McCop waves to his adoring public.

75 year old granny arrested for not moving her car when ordered to do so by a cop. She was apparently in the drive-through parking space at McDonalds waiting for her coffee and fries that she'd just ordered and the cop decided he wanted his burger and fries first and this 75 year old granny waiting for her food would just have to get out of his way. So he huffily walked up to her car and ordered her to move. She quite reasonably explained that the folks at the McDonalds had told her to wait there for her coffee and fries, at which point he arrested her for disorderly conduct, failure to obey a lawful order, and being an uppity bitch in possession of a bad attitude not willing to kiss his jackbooted ass. (Okay, so I made up the last one).

So goes our McDemocracy here in McSoviet McAmerica. Enjoy your McFreedom, McSheeple!

-- Badtux the "are you McHappy yet?" Penguin

H/T Alternate Brain


  1. uhmm...
    Nyet, tovarrisch.

  2. That's exactly why I hate cops. Too many behave that way. Pablo

  3. Yikes! That is indeed abuse of authority.

    Anonymous, there are cops and there are cops. While one cop behaving that way is too many, I do hope you won't paint all cops with that broad brush.

  4. You don't want to know what will happen to you if you get in their way at the Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru...


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