Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Teh best comment about the upcoming Superbowl

From the New York Times sports blog:

Hello? This is a game. Adults running around in funny clothes, funny hats, grunting and gesturing at each other like apes, with other adults painting their faces and bodies ridiculous colors, getting drunk and puking in the stadium like they did in Rome. What am I missing here? Meanwhile the world is blowing up, and in another quarter we have direct decedents of Curly, Moe, and Shemp running to be the leader of our country. I’m going back to bed.

Amen, bro.

-- Badtux the Unsporty Penguin


  1. this kind of behavior over a sporting event makes me want to stay in bed ...


  2. Well, at least you aren't rooting for the Cowboys:



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