Tuesday, January 08, 2008

So who do I want to win in New Hampshire?

The Democrat, of course.

Look. All of the Democrats running are sane and intelligent people. As vs. all of the Republicans running, who are batshit crazy. All the frontrunners (of both parties) are evil, of course, for varying degrees of evil. But I'd rather have sane and intelligent evil than batshit crazy evil. The past eight years ought to have cured us of that whole "vote for the batshit crazy evil!" craze, eh?

So at some point I'm going to take that absentee ballot that I got in the mail and fill it out and send it off to the registrar of voters, and I'm going to vote for a Democrat on that ballot. And sooner or later there will be a Democratic nominee, and next November I will vote for him (or her). And at this point, I'm not sure it makes a damn bit of difference which one of the three Democratic front-runners gets the nod, regardless of whether the Hilarybot actually cried yesterday, or merely programmed crying into her personna in an attempt to soften her image, or regardless of whether Obama is running as Lawrence Fishburne in the Matrix movies (the magic negro who helps us tighty whities save the day) or not. They're all sane and intelligent people, and that's 99% of the battle right there.

-- Badtux the Political Penguin


  1. Hear Hear! Deserves repeating.

  2. You are right on of course. Wouldn't you just love to say "batshit crazy" to the Decider and Deadeye Dick in person? It would make MY millennium. Are you able to even envision another world with another Republican in office for 4-8 years? Oh, I don't think so! Time to polish those swords and say a few words at the alter first.


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