Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The penguin's pick for President

Sadly, with Edwards falling by the wayside, there is really only one choice left. The Republicans are all batshit crazy, with John McCain wanting to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Eyyyye-raaaaan, Multiple Choice Mitt going around with that robo-candidate gleam in his eyes as if he's trying to count how much money he could loot from the treasury if he gets in (or how much fudge he could pack), and the rest... fugheddabout it. On the Democratic side, you got the dude who makes good speech but whose health plan does not cover all Americans, and the gal whose health plan covers all Americans but only at the expense of giving pork to every special interest business group under the sun.

So I'm going with the only remaining candidate offering a universal health plan. Because that's important to me -- I ain't gettin' younger, and pretty soon it will be pretty much impossible for me to buy health insurance on the open market. So, with reluctance and more than a bit of sadness, I hereby endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. For what that's worth. About three herring's worth, I calculate.

-- Badtux the Health Care Penguin


  1. Spare me the pain of Hillery. She is conning you you know. She speaks a good health plan but she won't come through with it, unless you are willing to pay dearly for it.

    Maybe Obama's plan isn't perfect, but he still has time to polish it.

    Besides, there isn't any such thing as a great workable health plan. Unless you want to pay taxes to help keep old wore out people and bottom feeders alive.

    If so, just open up your wallet and vote with the cash in it.

  2. I'm already paying taxes to keep your broken-down old butt alive -- 6% of my income is going into the pockets of wrinkled ole' prunes to keep'em alive. Now, my own mother is one of said prunes, so I don't really mind that, but Medicare proves that its possible to cover everybody without bankrupting the nation. Old prunes are the most expensive people to cover because they're well, old -- so if we can keep old prunes alive without bankrupting the nation, we can keep everybody else alive too, because their health care needs are much more modest.

    Badtux the ain't-there-yet Penguin


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