Friday, January 04, 2008


It's 50F outside. The sky is spitting rain, being blown by 20mph winds gusting to 45mph. I realized my bicycle was on the patio getting wet, so I opened the sliding vertical blinds so I could open the door. The cats came running to park themselves at the patio window, that's their signal to go sun themselves on the patio. I opened the door and the screen. Their ears pasted down to their skulls, Mencken emitted an eery howl, then both scrambled out of the living room and down the hallway to my bedroom to get away from that spitting wet stuff.

If only I could join them there... sigh. Gotta go to work. Got those all-important "meeting" things to attend, after all. Got two projects that I'm overseeing that everybody has to know what they're doing and I'm the guy who's supposed to keep all that together so the projects happen on the tight schedule we've been given. If I was still just a worker bee... but then again, if I was just a worker bee, my job would have already been outsourced to India or China, so I guess I can't complain.

Besides, I'm an aquatic waterfowl. All that'll happen is that my feathers get wet. Still, even a penguin doesn't like it when it's spitting rain rather than just falling rain...

-- Badtux the soon-to-be-wet Penguin


  1. I was at the corner of Market and W. St. John waiting for the light to change, when this really big tree fell over and almost hit my car. I could smell the tree sap as I moved away. What a trip. Rain I can handle, the wind is causing me the most problems.

  2. Have another herring. The oil improves your water tight compartmentalization.
    Or something.



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