Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thinking about a new guitar

Or maybe a good used one. My old plywood Yamaha is just plain worn out, the frets are pretty much done for, and it's not worth fixing (re-fretting would cost more than the thing cost new -- you can get the same guitar for under $150 when music stores are having a sale).

Was in the music store the other day playing with a midrange Ovation (not one of the low-end plywood models). Sounded sweet. I dunno, though. That was sorta the "in" thing 15 years ago when I first thought about getting a "good" guitar, but of course that was before they outsourced manufacturing to China.

Oh, my criteria -- a decent sounding electric-acoustic steel string for a decent price. You don't have to spend four digit sums of money to get a good sounding guitar and I won't. That's pretty much it, I'm wide open right now to anything...

1 comment:

  1. tux, i cannot endorse the ovations enough. at home, or in the studio, i am a hard core martin d28 guy, but i have been playing ovations on the road for many, many years. their sound is bright, their necks are tight and responsive, and they are totally fucking indestructable. i was sold on them at a trade show in l.a. right after kaman had entered the music market. a company rep had tuned up an ovation 12 (it was one of the big bowls), played it, it sounded good. then he stood up, walked over to a concrete pillar and poleaxed the 12 string, hard. he walked back over to his stool, sat down, and began to play. motherfucker was still in tune. i said "gotta get me some of that." been playing one version or another ever since.

    check this baby out

    it is a superb player's ax, tight in the studio too.


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