All I've done today is sleep and eat. The rain has fallen off and on all day long, and both me and the cats have spent it on my bed. I got nothin' for ya, so... look at the furry kitty. That's me today!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Game called due to rain
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That's more than I've seen of my crew during the cold spell.
ReplyDeleteStill dark here, but there are stars, maybe we will get some sun today. So far we have had a pretty mild winter here other than a few short storms that caused a little damage.
ReplyDeleteBut a lot less than a lot of the country has had to deal with.
Brian, I very carefully tugged back the cover just enough to reveal his furry little nose and his little furry paws (which were working nursing-style as he purred himself to sleep). Otherwise you would have just seen a lump.
ReplyDeleteWe just purchased a weight activated heating pad for our cat and put it in his little sleeping spot. We don't see as much of him as we used to.
ReplyDeleteThere was a great Calvin & Hobbs strip where Hobbs was shown in position after position absorbing various sources of heat. In the last panel, Calvin asks "Let me get this straight, the fur's just for decoration, right?"