Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fur babies

For the record... my cats are cats. Fur-bearin' varmints. Furry, warm, cuddly fur-bearin' varmints, but varmints nevertheless.

They ain't people, folks. They aren't babies. They aren't my children. They aren't substitutes for children. They're not somehow "better than children" or "less demanding than children" (hah! obviously never observed my cats following me around whining when their food bowl is empty!). They're cats. Critters. Varmints. Animals. Creatures of comfort, but not human. Calling a cat human is an insult to cats, actually, if you really think about it. Take that, monkey boy!

Now, I hear about all these folks spending hundreds of dollars on care for their cats when their cats get sick. Uhm, excuse me. Spend the money on your children, or donate it to charity. Take the cat to the vet, let the vet ease the cat on his way into that great pet sematary in the sky, then go to the Humane Society and pick up some other poor needy kitty that needs a human to comfort and care for it. Your cat is a cat, an animal, not a human being. When a cat can no longer comfort or be comforted, its purpose is done, and it's time to move on. Yeah, I love my cats. They're nice cats who love to cuddle and who keep my feet warm when I'm in bed. But they're just cats, and eight or nine or ten years from now they'll be old cats, and when they get to the point where they're unable to comfort or be comforted, Dr. Feelgood will be there to ease them on their way.

Badtux the Animal-observin' Penguin


  1. Yeah, I get it. I've had Crackers for 11 years and he's getting up there, probably around 14 years old now. if he gets some serious expensive problem then it'll be magic needle time. he's hyperthyroid which requires a daily pill but that's manageable. When I hear about cats getting chemo or extensive surgery, that's just kinda nuts. they're not children, they're, unfortunately for them, just pets.

    having written that and looking at my big orange & white meatloaf snoring away on the couch, it feels cruel, but it's not.

  2. i like my cats better than i like most humans, in fact, i like all cats better than i like most humans.

    just sayin'.


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