Thursday, January 17, 2008

RAM envy

My brother just called me to tell me he was getting 8 gigabytes of RAM for his new computer. Now I have RAM envy. Though, apparently, not as much as these bulls, who did a lot of, err, ramming, during an otherwise-boring car executive's speech.

So now I gotta figure out how I can out-RAM my brother. Or maybe not. After all, I have 2 gigabytes of RAM in this Macbook and a quick check of Performance Monitor shows that only half of it is in use. Maybe all this RAM stuff is for people who don't, err, get much RAMming? Curious penguins want to know!

-- Badtux the RAM Penguin


  1. Hopefully your brother is also getting a 64-bit operating system, or 4 of those gigs will be completely inaccessible to him. :D

  2. He's running Linux. Under even 32-bit Linux, all 8 gigs would be used by the OS, it's just that four of them would just be used as hard drive cache because funky paging stuff has to be done to access them. However, he's planning on running 64-bit Ubuntu Linux so that's not an issue.

    The main reason my server only has 2 gigs of memory is because I'm running 32-bit Ubuntu on it. I'm running 32-bit Ubuntu because at the time I built it, I didn't trust 64-bit Linux -- too much software didn't work right. But that was a couple of years ago...

  3. I would think that the music software, like graphics software would love to have as much RAM as possible for manipulation.

    On the other hand I remember have a 16 user minicomputer system with 48K of RAM.

  4. Yeah, unfortunately my Macbook maxes out at 2GB of RAM, unlike the new model Macbook that maxes out at 4GB of RAM. Oh well.


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