Monday, January 21, 2008

A cold rain falling

It is raining. I am going to take a brief walk around the block to look at all the for-sale signs again, then go to bed.

-- Badtux the Aquatic Penguin


  1. I'm looking forward to a good recession, it will bring things back into alignment, stop some of the greed.

    Recessions only happen because of greed, if humans did things properly they wouldn't be needed. You would think that by now they would have figured that out considering that economy's have been failing for thousands of years now.

    And on the bright side, it's a great time for you to be looking for a good price on a modest home. Unless of course you have also over spent and got yourself in a tight financial pickle.

    If so, carry on then. But I'm thankful for my little place with no payments. I have money left over (and no woman that wants to spend it) and I get my retirement check tomorrow.

    Life is good in that respect.

  2. Indeed, a cold rain falling all around.

    But you are mistaken if you believe a recession will stop some of the greed. Unfortunately, a recession is just a means of transferring wealth from ordinary folk like you and me to people who already have money, who will buy up assets for pennies on the dollars from desperate people unable to meet their obligations. Our ruling oligarchs see no problem with that. After all, the economy exists in order to transfer the profits of our labor into their pockets. It is their birthright, they believe. And so the oligarchy continues to rape us all up the bunghole... and will continue to do so no matter who gets elected in November, our only choice is whether we get raped with a 5 foot pole or a 5 inch pole.

    - Badtux the Sore-cloaca Penguin


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